Applying for a job

Once upon a time, in the bustling city of New York, there lived an ambitious young man named
Jack. After graduating from high school, he was eager to start his career and apply for a job at
a prestigious company. With dreams of success and a promising future ahead, he walked into the
office with confidence.

In the company, Jack met a woman named Linda, who was in charge of hiring new employees. She was
beautiful, confident, and had an air of authority about her that intrigued Jack. As they spoke,
Jack found himself drawn to her charisma and charm.

Linda noticed Jack’s interest and decided to play along. She began complimenting him on his
appearance and intelligence, making him feel special. Jack became flustered and couldn’t believe
how much he was enjoying their conversation.

As the interview continued, Linda started to make Jack feel uncomfortable by touching his arm
and leaning in close. She whispered seductive things into his ear, causing him to become aroused
despite the situation. He tried to hide his excitement but failed miserably.

Linda noticed Jack’s struggle and decided to take control of the situation. She led him to her
office and locked the door behind them. Jack was hesitant, but he couldn’t resist Linda’s charm
any longer. She made him sit down while she straddled him, pressing her body against his as she
whispered more seductive things in his ear.

Feeling bold, Jack reached out and touched Linda’s breasts, causing her to moan softly. She then
guided his hand towards her pussy, urging him to touch her and even lick her clit. Jack was
hesitant but couldn’t resist the sensation of power he felt by pleasing her.

Linda, enjoying the control she had over Jack, decided to take things further. She made him
remove his clothes and took his cock in her hands, deepthroating him as she finally let him fuck
her anally. Jack’s dreams of a successful career were long forgotten, but in that moment, he was
lost in passion and pleasure.

In the end, Jack didn’t get the job at the company, but he walked away with a newfound sense of
confidence and power. Linda had taught him that sometimes, taking control can be more satisfying
than any job or dream ever could be.

However, as time went on, Jack couldn’t shake off his experience with Linda. He found himself
haunted by memories of her touch, her voice, and the way she made him feel. He knew he needed
help but was too ashamed to seek it out.

One day, while walking home from work, Jack stumbled upon a small bookstore tucked away in an
alleyway. Curiosity got the better of him, and he decided to take a closer look. As he browsed
through the shelves, he found a book titled “The Art of Dominance: A Guide to Mastering Your
Desires” by one of the store’s employees, Linda.

Feeling a strange connection to the author, Jack purchased the book and took it home. He spent
hours reading about the art of seduction, power dynamics in relationships, and how to take
control in the bedroom. The more he read, the more he realized that his encounter with Linda had
awakened something within him – a desire to explore his submissive side.

Determined to find someone who could help him navigate this newfound aspect of his sexuality,
Jack decided to attend a local BDSM club. It was there that he met a woman named Sarah, who
shared his interest in exploring power dynamics and consentual dominance and submission.

Over time, Jack and Sarah developed a close bond, and she introduced him to the world of BDSM.
They would spend hours engaging in role-playing scenarios, where Jack would take on the role of
the dominant while Sarah played the submissive. The more they explored their desires, the more
Jack felt like he was finally coming to terms with his past experiences.

However, as much as Jack enjoyed his time with Sarah, there was always a lingering feeling that
something was missing. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it until one night when they were in
the middle of a scene. As Jack was about to tie Sarah up, she whispered in his ear, “You know
what you really want? You want to be taken by someone who makes you feel as powerless as you
felt with Linda.”

The words hit him like a ton of bricks. He realized that he had been using Sarah and their play
sessions as a way to escape from the reality of his past experiences. In order to truly move on,
he needed to confront what had happened with Linda head-on.

With newfound resolve, Jack decided to track down Linda and confront her about how she had made
him feel. He found her working at the same company where they had met years ago. As he
approached her desk, his heart raced with anticipation and fear.

“Hi, Linda,” Jack said as he stood before her. “Can we talk?”

Linda looked up from her computer screen and regarded him with a curious expression. She nodded
and gestured for him to follow her into her office.

Once they were alone, Jack took a deep breath and began to recount his experience with her, how
she had made him feel, and how it had impacted the rest of his life. He told her about his
journey through BDSM clubs and meeting Sarah, but how he still felt like something was missing.

Linda listened intently as Jack spoke, her expression never changing. When he finished, she
stood up from her desk and moved closer to him.

“You know what you need?” she said, her voice low and seductive. “You need someone who can give
you the power you crave while also taking control of you in a way that feels safe and

Jack felt his heart race as Linda stepped closer, her presence overwhelming him with its
familiarity and intensity.

“Will you let me show you?” she asked, her eyes searching his for an answer.

In that moment, Jack knew that he had found what he was looking for. He nodded, and Linda led
him to her office, where they would embark on a journey of discovery, healing, and liberation.

Over the course of several weeks, Linda took Jack through a series of scenes designed to explore
his submissive desires while also addressing the trauma from his past experience. She showed him
how to take control in a way that didn’t invalidate his feelings or make him feel powerless.

Through their time together, Jack learned that he could have power and still be vulnerable at
the same time. He found solace in the fact that he wasn’t alone in his desires and that there
was nothing wrong with exploring them consensually with someone who understood and respected his

In the end, Jack walked away from his encounter with Linda not only with a newfound sense of
confidence but also with a deeper understanding of himself. He had finally confronted his past
trauma head-on and found healing in the most unlikely place – the very person who had hurt him
all those years ago.

And so, Jack’s story came full circle, as he learned that sometimes, the path to healing can
lead us back to where it all began.